The best cozy video games ever made

As a video game player and also a video game developer, I've spent quite a bit of time playing and researching the cozy video game genre, and I've even released my own cozy RPG A Weekend in Puzzleburg.  So I decided to sit down and write out my recommendations for the best cozy video games ever made, as well as the best ...
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The best spy novels and graphic novels ever written

Since I make spy video games, I've spent quite a bit of time researching the spy genre in all media.  Here are my picks for the best spy novels and graphic novels ever written.  If you'd like to see my spy picks in other media, links are provided at the very end.Last updated: January 2025 The best spy novelsIan Fleming ...
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The best spy TV shows ever made (dramas and comedies)

Since I make spy video games, I've spent quite a bit of time researching the spy genre in all media. Here are my picks for the best spy TV shows, including both dramas and comedies. If you'd like to see my spy picks in other media, links are provided at the very end. Last updated: January 2025Dramas Mission: Impossibl...
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The best spy films ever made (dramas and comedies)

Since I make spy video games, I've spent quite a bit of time researching the spy genre in all media.  Here are my picks for the best spy films, including both dramas and comedies.  If you'd like to see my spy picks in other media, links are provided at the very end. Last updated: January 2025Dramas Mission: Impossibl...
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Why make There's Always a Madman: Do Your Worst?

After releasing There’s Always a Madman: Fight or Flight about the male superspy Franklin Benjamin, I wanted to turn my attention to the female superspy Virginia West (only ever referred to as Virginia, no last name, in the first game).   For too long, I have consumed stores about capable female spies who go overlooked b...
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The best spy video games ever made

As a video game player and also a video game developer, I've spent quite a bit of time playing and researching the spy video game genre, and I've even released my own multi-game spy video game series There's Always a Madman.  So I decided to sit down and write out my recommendations for the best spy video games ever made...
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Will There's Always a Madman: Fight or Flight be coming to consoles?

For now, There’s Always a Madman: Fight or Flight is only slated to release on Steam.  I do feel that the game would play well on console, but at this time, all efforts are focused on the Steam version of the game. This decision may be revisited in the future, however. If you wish to take on this mission and save the w...
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How do I play There's Always a Madman: Fight or Flight?

There’s Always a Madman: Fight or Flight is played by making decisions on how you want your character to proceed.  To do so, you can play using only the mouse, as you need only hover over the option you wish to select and then click to choose it.  You can alternatively make these selections with a video game controller i...
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Why make There's Always a Madman: Fight or Flight?

It's simple - I believe there are not enough great spy games out there.  Sure, there are plenty of games where you shoot 100 enemies each level and do a few spy things along the way, but I want to make a true spy game - a game where the main character carries a gun and is empowered to kill when necessary but largely uses...
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Everything You Can Do and See in Puzzleburg

In A Weekend in Puzzleburg, there's a built-in hint system for completing every quest in the game (just talk to the hotel concierge Dante, and he can point you in the right direction for any step of any quest), but how can you know if you've FOUND/STARTED every side quest in the game?You'll of course come across every ma...
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Reflections on A Weekend in Puzzleburg three weeks before release

With A Weekend in Puzzleburg now less than three weeks from release, this is a good time to reflect on how I think the game turned out before the reviews start coming in and influence my perspective.  So these are my own thoughts now that the game is complete (save for some playtesting and bug fixing) before putting it o...
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How much will A Weekend in Puzzleburg cost?

A Weekend in Puzzleburg will cost $18 at launch ($20 normal price with a 10% launch discount to reward early players).  I would like to emphasize that with A Weekend in Puzzleburg, you're not buying a video game so much as you're buying an entire vacation.  One that you can play over and over again whenever you want, get...
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Is the town of Puzzleburg inspired by any real-world locations?

Yes, the fictional town of Puzzleburg is inspired by a wide variety of (mostly coastal) cities and locations across the United States. Here is a sampling:Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, and Catalina Island (all are island communities, like Puzzleburg)Los Angeles (Venice Beach)San Francisco (Fisherman's Wharf) Wilmington,...
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